Michelle Martin

May 31, 20213 min


I’m back! And feeling rested, recharged and raring to go! I really enjoyed spending time with my sister and her family, along with my mom and sister who traveled with me to the Lone Star State.

We went to Deep Ellum, an artsy part of Dallas and enjoyed the sights and sounds in this area of the city, which is an area I would not have gone to, if not for my 20-something nephew’s suggestion.

We also took a road trip down to Austin (Keep It Weird), the capital of Texas, for a few days and really enjoyed the hospitality and food during our stay. Contrary to what we hear up here in the Northeast, people wore masks, there was plenty of antiseptic lotion at the door, and even surgical gloves were offered in some stores, before handling the merch. I saw lots of trucks on the road, but no gun racks. I saw plenty of state flags flying (but none of the other).

I don’t watch much news however I do believe whatever I see online is skewed to my preferences, not reality. This visit made me re-evaluate what I thought I believed and exposed my natural bias. I am glad this was my first journey, post-pandemic, and it turned out to be a cautionary one. It is too easy to get caught up in our own script.

Which brings me to my actual topic – maximizing your health. Kind of circuitous, I know, but stay with me. This entire month has been about physical health and wellbeing, taking care of your body, making sure you keep on top of your checkups and making yourself a priority.

It is about connecting the dots between your mind, body and soul in ways that enrich and support you. A large part of that is your state of mind. A healthy dose of reality, along with an opportunity to blow off steam, laugh a lot and create new daily patterns, if only for a short time, does wonders for your mental health. That is why vacations are good, and necessary.

This past year and a half has seen all of us double up on work and home life in ways we did not imagine. There were countless times when the lines blurred between work and family, whether as we worked from home, we also taught our children, or helped elderly parents navigate the isolation and vaccinations. And there was no escape (except maybe to Netflix or home baking).

I encourage you to start planning a vacation today if you haven’t already. Or, if that isn’t in the cards because of economics, perhaps a day trip to the shore or a museum. Something to take you out of where you are and encourage you to unwind, explore and feel some creative energy seep in.

Or take a class that challenges you or expands your awareness of a larger world. I have a dear friend who is always taking college courses because she just wants to keep learning. She is one of the most motivated students I have ever met, always seeking something new and different. And of course, always wanting to get an ‘A’.

We all need to find ways to maximize our health because we ladies are going to live well into our eighties on average. Let’s take steps today to ensure we maintain healthy habits now that support a vigorous lifestyle as we age. There is no reason we can’t.

That being said, I hope that you will join me at the upcoming virtual Women’s Health Expo presented by Deborah Heart and Lung Center on June 26. I am honored to be one of the guest speakers at this event that is focused exclusively on women’s health and I promise you will walk away with something actionable to get you started on your wellness journey or add to your healthy toolkit. Register here: women2women21.givesmart.com
