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Embrace Change

Thanksgiving is over...however we celebrated it this year. We did things differently, choosing to remain in our separate households and sharing our thoughts and well wishes via zoom, instead of having the usual large group at my mom's, who still insists on cooking the turkey.

I noticed that my husband and I, while although eating the traditional turkey meal at home, didn't overeat and feel stuffed. Interesting...and I found that others in my family did the same. Is it because when we get together, we all make so much food (so as not to run out) and then feel compelled to try everything (even when our pants say "no!")?

Now, we are gearing up for the holiday sprint to Christmas, starting up with Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, and so on, As if we haven't all been shopping online since Thursday, really.

But it is different this year, isn't it?

#GivingTuesday was started in 2012 as a way to encourage people to do good for one another, and it has grown tremendously since then. I wouldn't be surprised if this year doesn't stand out as the one in which we break records around the world with our unity, generosity and kindness towards one another. It is what this world needs now.

As we all continue to "move through it to get through it" in the final year end slough, many of us have lightened our spaces by cleaning out closets, garages and guest bedrooms. I can only speak for myself, but as I decluttered I also removed emotional baggage attached to my "things". I didn't realize the release I would feel during this process.

DId you also experience this?

Clearing out these items we no longer need or want, gives us the psychic space for things we do want. I am not talking about new stuff. There are new ideas, habits and practices ready for us to embrace, whether meditation, yoga, hiking, new languages to learn, instruments to play, or creative cooking. Perhaps you are well on your way with these new patterns of behavior, now that we have all been grounded for several months.

What changes have you made recently that make you feel good?

Or perhaps you are ready to try a new way of eating, going plant-based or trying intermittent fasting. If so, I am there for you, ready to guide you on your wellness journey.

In these last few months, I have been tweaking many things both personally and professionally. I have been actively checking in with myself every morning and evening, with meditation, journaling, and light exercise as a way to be more present each day. The results so far have been really amazing.

I am so much more aware of toxic relationships and how to manage them. I am more in tune with what my body and mind need to stay healthy and fit as I get older. Who knew I would develop a newfound love of running? I kid you not.

Professionally, I have opted to offer only online coaching and will no longer provide therapeutic massage or body work services, starting in January. Stay tuned in December for an exciting new blueprint for 2021!

I am excited for all of these positive changes I have uncovered so far in this "craptastical" year and I anticipate more as I navigate the final month of 2020.

Perhaps, like me, you found a way to embrace the change.

Curious - have you experienced personal growth this year? In what areas of your life? How did it manifest itself? Are you glad for this slower time in which to reflect? Please connect and share your experiences.

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